Become a Partner
Our community and health care partners are an essential part of the Help Me Grow Sacramento system. Our partners provide outreach to promote the use of Help Me Grow through networking opportunities among families and service providers, sharing of information, and support and resources to help increase awareness about early identification and intervention for children. Help Me Grow Sacramento’s community partners are able to provide an important connection point for families, supporting them with information on developmental milestones, screenings and direct referrals, and follow up on their connection to services. Help Me Grow Sacramento’s health care partners provide outreach and support to families, encouraging screenings to help with detection and early intervention. Help Me Grow Sacramento is proud to partner with community and healthcare partners in Sacramento County to support children and families and help them thrive.
Help Me Grow Sacramento provides the resources to connect families to our partners at no charge. We also provide free training to community partner staff on the Help Me Grow Sacramento system in addition to the developmental screening tools, Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 and the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional-2.
Interested in becoming a Help Me Grow partner? Contact us today at (916)228-2506 or helpmegrow@scoe.net