Developmental Screenings
Whether you have general questions about your child’s development and want to learn more or if you have concerns, Help Me Grow Sacramento can help. We can provide you with the information you need to help you and your child, from birth through age 5, as well as connect you to the available resources in Sacramento County.
We also have free developmental screenings available to help assess your child. You can complete the free screening below or give us a call at (916) 822-8744 to get started. Following the completion of your screening, Help Me Grow Sacramento will contact you with the results. At that time, you will also be given additional information based on your results and we will answer any questions you may have, connecting you to the resources available for you and your child.
All information shared with Help Me Grow Sacramento is confidential. We do not share your information with anyone outside of Help Me Grow Sacramento.
Ages + Stages Questionnaire: Communications (ASQ-3)
The ASQ-3 screens your child in the areas of communication, fine motor, gross motor, problem solving and personal social. It is recommended to start with this screening as it provides a larger overview screening that includes several areas of your child’s development.
Ages + Stages Questionnaire:
Social Emotional (ASQ:SE-2)
The ASQ:SE-2 screens your child in social emotional development, including behavior, relationships and managing emotions. This screening is recommended if you have specific concerns about your child’s behavior or interactions with others. It is an excellent companion to the ASQ-3.
A Quick Guide to Ages + Stages Questionnaire Screening
Ages and Stages Questionnaire offers in-depth information on the developmental screening tools used by Help Me Grow Sacramento, including how it screenings work, who uses them and the benefits of taking developmental screenings. Learn more below and take a developmental screening today.